Born: April 17, 1811, Jefferson County, Indiana.
Died: April 12, 1892, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Buried: Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Rev. Love H. Jameson Passes Away at the Advanced Age of Eighty Years. One of the Best-Known Preachers of the Christian Church in the United States
Story of His Long Life of Usefulness
Rev. Love H. Jameson, the best known member of the Christian church in Indiana or, for that matter, perhaps in the United States, died at his residence No. 307 Ash Street, this city, last evening at 8:30 o’clock.
Elder Jameson, as he was called, was born in Indiana while it was yet a Territory, on May 17, 1811 in Jefferson county. His parents were natives of Virginia, first removing to Kentucky and thence in 1810 settling for life on the creek called Indian Kentucky, in Jefferson county, this State.
His father was of Scotch parentage and trained as a strict Calvinist. In the year 1816 both his parents became members of the old Christian Church.
From 1818 until 1828 Love attended school each winter and made rapid progress, being quick to learn, and possessing a retentive and accurate memory.
In the fall of 1829 a protracted meeting was held near the Jameson farm, and a number were converted. Among these was young Jameson. He at once took great interest in the meetings, and it was soon insinuated that he had a talent for preaching.
Yielding to importunities, he consented, and on Dec. 25, 1829, preached his first sermon. From that time up to a few months ago he has been a preacher of the word, a period of nearly fifty-three years.
Was Self-Educated
During the year 1830 he was engaged in teaching, while thus employed he diligently prosecuted the work of self-education. Having acquired a good knowledge of English, he began the study of Greek.
In this, his first text-book was Ironside’s Grammar, which he often remarked, was very appropriately named, as it was written in Latin, and to acquire either language he had to first understand the other.
By the aid of lexicons he penetrated Ironsides and was able to read the New Testament in the original Greek. Later in life, and to the close of his life he was recognized as one of the best Greek scholars in the country.
In 1833 he went to Rising Sun, where he studied in the seminary, defraying his expenses by teaching preparatory classes. He also preached regularly for a congregation some distance in the country.
This was the last school he attended, but through life he was a diligent self-instructor and worked his way up to the front rank among the educated men of the church. In the natural sciences he was especially proficient.
His literary character was such that in 1839 the Northwestern Christian University (the predecessor of Butler University) conferred upon him the honorary degree of A. M.
In 1834 he preached in Ohio for churches at Carthage, Cumminsville and White Oak. In the early part of 1835 he preached at various places in Kentucky. In June, 1835, he assumed pastoral charge of a church at Dayton, Ohio.
It was in that year that he paid his first visit to Indianapolis, then an insignificant town of a few hundred inhabitants and without a railroad. Bespattered with mud and wet as a drenching rain could make him, he entered the court-house and preached to a few persons who had assembled there.
While at Dayton much of his time was spent in traveling and preaching at meetings in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. In the winter of 1837 he attended the Alex Campbell and Bishop Purcell debate at Cincinnati, and took part in the long series of meetings that followed that discussion.
At no period in his ministry did elder Jameson ever take money into account, and during his sojourn in Ohio he never received more than $400 a year.
In May, 1841, he located in Madison as pastor of the congregation of his church in that city. He continued his relation until in the fall of 1842, also preaching at Terre Haute, Crawfordsville, Lafayette and Indianapolis.
On the 5th of October, 1842, Elder Jameson became pastor of the church at Indianapolis, and from that time until 1854 he preached here and elsewhere in the vicinity. Since that date he has not held a regular pastorate, but for a long time kept regular monthly appointments at four or five different churches.
His work has extended not only over Indiana, but also over Ohio, Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois, New York and portions of New England.
Strong in His Loyalty
At the breaking out of the war his voice was heard on the side of the Union, and, though even then advanced in years, he went as chaplain of the Seventy-ninth Indiana Regiment, to be looked upon by the members of the regiment as a father.
From his earliest childhood he exhibited great musical ability, and during his ministry he composed no fewer than 150 hymns, many of which are among the favorites in the hymn-books of the denomination to which he belonged.
His voice, even in extreme old age, was wonderfully pure and sweet, and he sang with great power and feeling. During the past eight or ten years he has on many occasion been called upon to sing
Gathering Home,one of his own compositions, and the pathos of the words has caused many eyes to fill with tears.On March 20 of this year he composed his last hymn, to which he gave the title, An Earnest Prayer, taking the theme from Mark ix, 24. It is remarkable as the production of a man over four score years old, but his intellect was clear almost to the last, the shadow coming over his mind only a few hours before death. The last stanza of the hymn gives expression to his supreme faith:
While I am passing through this vale of tears
And bowing down beneath the weigh of years,
Of all my prayers, this one will be still be chief—
Lord, I believe, help then mine unbelief.He has been failing greatly in health since last August, though his chief infirmity could be called nothing else than old age. His eyesight has been seriously defective for a long time. For two or three years one eye has been without sight, and the other became so dim that for several months he has been unable to read or write.
During this time, up to within a few days ago, he has dictated correspondence, addresses and contributions to religious papers. He took great interest in all that was going on in the world, and kept that interest to the last.
In 1883–84 he was abroad, and for several months occupied a pulpit at Southport, England. He well liked and inducements tendered him to remain, but he could not bear longer separation from his native land.
Elder Jameson was twice married, his first wife, to whom he was married Dec. 11, 1837, being Elizabeth M. Clarke. Of this marriage a son, the only child, is Alex C. Jameson, of this city.
On Sept. 6, 1841, he was united in marriage with Elizabeth Robinson, who survives him. The surviving children of this second marriage are Mrs. Sarah Wallace, widow of Postmaster William Wallace, Miss Bettie Jameson and Statham Jameson, of this city, and Edward Jameson, who is now in Oregon.
Elder Jameson was a member of George H. Thomas Post and of the Tippecanoe Club. He was a brother of Dr. P. H. Jameson, James Jameson, Miss Lucy Jameson and Mrs. Berry R. Suigrove, of this city. No arrangements have as yet been made for the funeral.
Indianapolis Journal
April 7, 1892, p. 5