

Born: May 13, 1860, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: Jan­ua­ry 23, 1944, Wilkes-Barre, Penn­syl­van­ia.


Arthur was the son of Frank E. John­stone and Min­nie De­Fries, and hus­band of Cla­ra Arch­er But­ler. He was brought to Am­eri­ca in 1868.

Johnstone was edu­cat­ed at the Ci­ty Col­lege of New York, stu­died pi­ano with Will­iam Mason, or­gan and the­ory with Sam­uel War­ren, and high­er com­po­si­tion with Leo­pold Dam­rosch.

He made a spe­cial­ty of com­po­si­tion, in­clud­ing pi­ano me­thods and mu­sic for pub­lic school text­books. He won a me­dal in 1902 for the best orig­in­al set­ting of Am­eri­ca of­fered by the So­ci­ety of the Cin­cin­na­ti.

As of 1912, Johns­tone was liv­ing in New York Ci­ty.



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