


Born: Oc­to­ber 12, 1917 (birth name: P. K. Ooni).

Died: Feb­ru­ary 18, 2008.


After high school, Jo­seph served in Sing­apore with the Ja­pa­nese mi­li­ta­ry (1941–44).

He then worked as a Chris­tian mis­sion­ary in Sing­apore (1944–45), and stu­died theo­lo­gy in Jab­al­pur, Mad­hya Pra­desh, In­dia (1946–50).

He was or­dained in Mar Tho­ma Church as a dea­con in 1950, and priest in 1951. He took his Ba­che­lor of Di­vi­ni­ty in 1950 and Ba­che­lor of Arts in 1971.

He worked as a priest and mis­sion­ary in Ma­la­bar (Ke­ra­la, In­dia) from 1951 un­til his death, es­tab­lish­ing 28 par­ishes for Mar Tho­ma Church.


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