Early 20th Century


Kenning was a min­is­ter with the Chris­tian and Mis­sion­ary Al­li­ance (CAMA) in the late 19th and ear­ly 20th Cen­tu­ries. He held a pas­tor­ate in Hope­ville, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da, some time be­fore 1903.

He then went to New York and la­bored with CA­MA found­er Al­bert Simp­son. Ear­ly CA­MA pub­li­ca­tions re­fer to Ken­ning as Home Sec­re­ta­ry.

He was in­volved with the min­is­try of mu­sic at the New York Gos­pel Ta­ber­na­cle (1904–09), and in con­ven­tion work.

His hymn Come to Me was pub­lished in New York Ci­ty in 1904.




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