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Marion Sylvester Kerby



Born: March 14, 1857, Clay Coun­ty, North Ca­ro­li­na.

Died: Feb­ru­ary 22, 1913, Tex­as Ci­ty, Tex­as.

Buried: La Marque Ce­me­te­ry, La Marque, Tex­as.



Marion was the son of Will­iam and Car­ol­ine Ker­by. He mar­ried twice, to Don­ia East­er­ling (1887, Bell Coun­ty, Tex­as), and Sal­lie Mun­son (1892, Hope, Tex­as).

The 1880 cen­sus of Cor­yell Coun­ty, Tex­as, list­ed him as a farm­er.

He at­tend­ed South­ern Bap­tist Theo­lo­gic­al Se­mi­na­ry, Lou­is­ville, Ken­tuc­ky (1890–91).

He served as pas­tor of the Lit­tle Riv­er Bap­tist Church, Jones Prair­ie, Tex­as (1895–99), then went back to se­mi­na­ry (1899–1901), earn­ing Ba­che­lor and Mas­ter of Theo­lo­gy de­grees.

Kerby was pas­tor for part of 1908 at the Al­ta Lo­ma Bap­tist Church, then at the Bap­tist Church of La Porte, Texas (1908–10). He was a mis­sion­ary in the field in 1909, then pas­tor of the of First Bap­tist Church, Tex­as Ci­ty, Tex­as (1911–13).



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