

Born: March 22, 1852, near Fort Wayne, In­di­ana.

Buried: Eel Ri­ver Ce­me­te­ry, Dunn Mill, In­di­ana.



John was the hus­band of Emi­ly Zim­mer­man.

At one time, he was a col­lege mu­sic di­rect­or (prob­abl­y in Ohio). Some re­cords re­fer to him as Pro­fess­or Kin­sey.

He moved from Ohio to La­fay­ette, In­di­ana, around 1885. He found­ed and was head of the Ec­ho Mu­sic Com­pa­ny, one of the lead­ing publish­ers in the Am­eri­can Mid­west. For ma­ny years, he al­so ed­it­ed The Ec­ho, a month­ly mu­sic­al jour­nal.

He lived in Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois, for some time, and oc­ca­sion­al­ly spent win­ters in Ca­li­for­nia.

Around 1903, he re­tired from Echo Mu­sic, turned the com­pa­ny ov­er to his son, Carl De­lmo Kin­sey, and op­ened a mu­sic store in Fort Wayne, In­di­ana. That ven­ture was short lived, and he soon closed it due to fail­ing health.


Kinsey pro­duced ov­er 30 books, in­clud­ing:




Help Needed

If you know Kin­sey’s date or place of death,