

Born: Au­gust 18, 1762, Ha­vel­berg, Bran­den­burg.

Died: Au­gust 22, 1838, Neu­stadt-Eb­ers­wal­de (near Ber­lin), Ger­ma­ny.


Samuel was the son of S. C. K. Küst­er, in­spect­or and chief past­or at Ha­vel­berg.

He stu­died at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ber­lin (DD 1835), and be­came third pas­tor of the Fried­rich-Wer­der Church in Ber­lin in 1786, se­cond pas­tor in 1793, and in 1797 chief pas­tor and su­per­in­ten­dent, a­fter the death of his fa­ther, who had been called to the church in 1777.


Küster helped ed­it the 1829 Ber­lin Ge­sang Buch, and con­trib­ut­ed two hymns to it.

In 1831, he pub­lished a small vol­ume of Kurze le­bens­ge­schict­liche Nach­richt­en about the au­thors of the hymns there­in.



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