


Born: March 2, 1916, Lin­coln, Ne­bras­ka.

Died: Ap­ril 15, 2016, prob­ab­ly in Co­lo­ra­do Springs, Co­lo­ra­do.

Buried: First Unit­ed Me­tho­dist Church Co­lum­ba­ri­um, Co­lo­ra­do Springs, Co­lo­ra­do.


Mildred was the daugh­ter of min­is­ter James Sul­li­van, and wife of Law­rence L. La­cour.

She was edu­cat­ed at St. Eli­za­beth Col­lege; John Fletch­er Col­lege, Uni­ver­si­ty Park, Io­wa; North­west­ern Uni­ver­si­ty, Ev­an­ston, Il­li­nois; and the Juil­liard School in New York Ci­ty. She stu­died harp and re­ceived two de­grees from these schools.

In the 1950s, Mil­dred and her hus­band spent se­ver­al years in Ja­pan, per­form­ing in 190 con­certs and help­ing es­tab­lish 21 church­es.

In the 1980s, they were at Or­al Ro­berts Uni­ver­si­ty, Tulsa, Ok­la­ho­ma, where Mil­dred was Di­rect­or of Gra­du­ate Com­mu­ni­ty Life.

They sub­se­quent­ly moved to Bar­tles­ville, Ok­la­ho­ma, where her hus­band was a sen­ior pas­tor, and where Mil­dred re­tired.

In her lat­er years, Mil­dred moved to Co­lo­ra­do Springs, where she was a mem­ber of the Sym­pho­ny Or­ches­tra and Sum­mer Ope­ra. She spent ov­er six de­cades in min­is­try.

