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Johann Joachim Lange




Born: Oc­to­ber 26, 1670, Gar­de­le­gen, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: May 7, 1774, Hal­le, Ger­ma­ny.


Lange was the son of Mau­ri­ti­us Lange, sen­ior coun­cil­lor at Gar­de­le­gen, and fa­ther of po­et Sam­uel Gott­hold Lange.

He en­tered the Uni­ver­si­ty of Leip­zig in the au­tumn of 1689, where he shared rooms with pie­tist Au­gus­tus Francke. In 1690, he fol­lowed Francke to Er­furt, and in 1692 to Halle.

In 1693, by the re­com­men­da­tion of J. O. Schade, he was ap­point­ed tu­tor to the on­ly son of Fried­rich von Can­itz in Ber­lin.

In 1696, he be­came rec­tor of the school at Kös­lin, Pom­er­an­ia (now Kos­za­lin, Po­land); in 1698 rec­tor of the Fried­richs­wer­der Gym­na­si­um at Ber­lin; in 1699 pas­tor of the Fried­rich­stadt church; and in 1709, pro­fess­or of theo­lo­gy at Halle.



Help Needed

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