


Born: 1943, Wis­con­sin.


Academic De­grees:
Doctor of Arts in Span­ish Edu­ca­tion
Syracuse Uni­ver­si­ty, New York (May 10, 1987)
Specializations: Span­ish, lin­guis­tics, and edu­ca­tion

Master of Arts in Span­ish Edu­ca­tion
New York Uni­ver­si­ty, New York, New York (Oc­to­ber 27, 1980)
Specializations: Span­ish and edu­ca­tion

Master of Arts in La­tin Am­eri­can Stu­dies
University of New Mex­ico, Al­bu­quer­que, New Mex­ico (June 3, 1970)
Specializations: La­tin Am­eri­can his­to­ry and po­li­ti­cal sci­ence

Bachelor of Arts in Span­ish (mag­na cum laude)
St. Nor­bert Col­lege, De Pere, Wis­con­sin (June 11, 1967)
Specializations: Span­ish and his­to­ry

Educational Cer­ti­fi­cates:
Certification in cul­ture and spir­it­ual­i­ty
Holy Names Col­lege, Oak­land, Ca­li­for­nia (May 25, 1989)

Permanent cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in se­con­da­ry Span­ish (7–12)
State of New York (Sep­tem­ber 1, 1980)

Certification as a bi­ling­ual teach­er
Instituto de Fi­lo­lo­gía His­pán­i­ca, Sal­til­lo, Mex­ico (Sep­tem­ber 12, 1975)

Permanent cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in se­con­da­ry Span­ish (7–12)
State of Wis­con­sin (July 1, 1974)

Foreign Stu­dy:
Catholic Uni­ver­si­ty of Am­eri­ca
Valencia, Spain (Sum­mer: 1984)

New York Uni­ver­si­ty
Madrid, Spain (Sum­mers: 1977, 1978)

Center for Cross Cul­tur­al Stu­dy
Seville, Spain (Sum­mer: 1976)

Instituto de Fi­lo­lo­gía His­pán­i­ca
Saltillo, Mex­ico (Sum­mers: 1974, 1975)

Andean Stu­dies Cen­ter of the Uni­ver­si­ty of New Mex­ico
Quito, Ec­ua­dor (Spring: 1970)

Honors and Awards:
Who’s Who Among Am­eri­ca’s Teach­ers
Green Bay (1992)

Outstanding Teach­er of the Year Award
Green Bay Ro­ta­ry (1980)

University of New Mex­ico Fel­low­ship
Albuquerque (1969–70)

Teaching Po­si­tions:
Illinois In­sti­tute of Art (Co­ed Day Un­der­gra­du­ate)
Chicago, Il­li­nois (2005–06) Span­ish for the Arts Pro­fess­ions I, II, III

Webb School (Co­ed Day K-12)
Knoxville, Ten­nes­see (2001–03) Span­ish I, II, III

Loyola Aca­de­my (Co­ed Day 9–12)
Wilmette, Il­li­nois (1997–2001) Span­ish I, II, III, Hon­ors Span­ish

Morgan Park Aca­de­my (Co­ed Day K-12)
Chicago, Il­li­nois (1995–97) Span­ish I, III, IV; AP Span­ish Lang­uage

Prout In­ter­na­tion­al Bac­ca­laur­e­ate School (Co­ed Day 6–12)
Wakefield, Rhode Is­land (1994–95) Span­ish I, III; IB Span­ish;
Honors Span­ish

University of the Vir­gin Is­lands (Co­ed Board­ing Un­der­gra­du­ate)
Charlotte Am­a­lie, St. Tho­mas (Spring: 1994) Span­ish I, II;
Spanish Com­po­si­tion

Premontre and Notre Dame Aca­de­my (Boys and Co­ed Day 9–12)
Green Bay, Wis­con­sin (1971–93) Span­ish I, II, III, IV; Hon­ors

St. Nor­bert Col­lege (Co­ed Board­ing)
De Pere, Wis­con­sin (1981–82, 2004 Part-time) Span­ish I

Colegio Rei­na de las Am­ér­i­cas (Co­ed Day)
Lima, Pe­ru (1968) Eng­lish I; Re­li­gion I

Extra-curricular Ac­ti­vi­ties:
*Coordinator of make up tests (2001–03)

*Member of Ac­a­dem­ic Com­mit­tee of Chair­per­sons (1995–2001)
*Moderator of So­ci­e­dad Hon­or­ar­ia His­pán­i­ca (1973–93, 1995–97)
*Moderator of Na­tion­al Hon­or So­ci­ety (1989–93, 1994–95)
*Coordinator of In­ter­na­tion­al Pro­grams (1991–93, 1994–95, 1996–97)

*Chairperson of North Cen­tral Eval­u­a­tion Steer­ing Com­mit­tee (1991–1993)

*Director of 10 school trips to Mex­ico for ov­er 165 stu­dents (1975–95)

*Chairperson of For­eign Lang­uage De­part­ment (1980–83, 1994–2001)

Professional Da­ta:
*Graduate stu­dent at Uni­ver­si­ty of Wis­con­sin for 6 cre­dits:
“Comparative Edu­ca­tion and Su­per­vised Ov­er­seas Field­work” (1992–93)

*Visiting teach­er at se­cond­a­ry school in Perth, Aus­tral­ia (Sum­mer 1993)

*Member of Board of Trust­ees of St. Nor­bert Col­lege (1987–91)

*Sabbatical in mu­sic, cul­ture, psy­chol­o­gy, spir­it­ual­i­ty, and com­mu­ni­ca­tions (1987–89)

*Member of Am­eri­can As­so­ci­ation of Teach­ers of Span­ish and Por­tu­guese (1973–2003)

*Planner and fa­cil­i­tat­or for the in­stall­a­tion of the 60-po­si­tion
Tandberg com­pu­ter­ized lang­uage lab at Loy­ola Aca­de­my (1999–2001)

*Designer of Span­ish cur­ri­cu­lum for the Il­li­nois In­sti­tute of Art (2005)
