


Born: Ju­ly 17, 1959.


In her own words:

Born in­to a small Ital­i­an-Jew­ish fa­mi­ly, I tra­veled oft­en be­cause of my fa­ther’s Na­val ca­reer. The fa­mi­ly rare­ly at­tend­ed re­li­gious ser­vic­es, but at the age of 13½ years I came un­der deep con­vict­ion of the Ho­ly Spi­rit. I be­gan read­ing the small Bi­ble my par­ents had giv­en me as a child. Over a year’s time I read com­plete­ly through my Bi­ble twice; mar­vel­ing at the old, old sto­ry.

At 14½, I knew I need­ed to be sav­ed. I be­gan at­tend­ing church­es with school friends, but ne­ver un­der­stood the gos­pel mes­sage. Fin­al­ly I at­tende­d a small Pen­te­cost­al-Ho­li­ness church, where the young min­is­ter spoke of hea­ven and hell, of sin, re­pent­ance of sins and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Suddenly it all came to­ge­ther, I re­count­ed years lat­er. Ma­ny preach­ers had spok­en of be­liev­ing in Je­sus, and by that time I did. But I knew some­thing was miss­ing. That some­thing was re­pent­ance: for­sak­ing my sins and cling­ing to Je­sus as my Lord and Sav­ior. When Bro­ther Olds preached, I knew what to do to be saved.

At the close of the meet­ing a ge­ne­ral in­vi­ta­tion was giv­en to come for­ward for pray­er. I fairly ran down the aisle to be saved, I recount­ed with a smile. And some­how, in one of the min­i-est of mini-skirts, I knelt down at a pew to pray and re­pent­ed to the Lord of all my sins. Short­ly af­ter­ward, I was bap­tized.

My con­ver­sion was so re­mark­able that teach­ers and stu­dents alike be­gan to ask what had hap­pened. It was won­der­ful to tell them that Je­sus’ blood had washed my sins away. I had ma­ny op­por­tu­ni­ties to share my faith in Christ!

Two years lat­er I met Da­vid E. Lee, a young sail­or who was al­so a be­liev­er. With­in three years we mar­ried, and God gave us three child­ren: Da­ni­el, Jes­sie and R­ebec­ca.

Though I am now an in­va­lid, I spend ma­ny hours writ­ing for their pri­son min­is­try news­let­ter and web­site. I also write po­ems and hope they may be sung to the glo­ry of God.
