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Edwin Henry Lemare




Born: Sep­tem­ber 9, 1865, Vent­nor, Isle of Wight, Hamp­shire, Eng­land.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 24, 1934, Hol­ly­wood, Ca­li­for­nia.

Buried: For­est Lawn Me­mor­ial Park, Glen­dale, Ca­li­for­nia.



Lemare was the son of mu­sic sell­er Ed­win Le­mare.

Lemare re­ceived his ear­ly mu­sic­al train­ing as a cho­ris­ter and or­gan­ist un­der his father at Holy Tri­ni­ty Church, Vent­nor.

He was award­ed the Goss schol­ar­ship at Bri­tain’s Roy­al Aca­de­my of Mu­sic (RAM) in 1876. There he stu­died un­der George A. Mac­far­ren, Wal­ter C. Mac­far­ren, Charles Steg­gall and Ed­mund Tur­pin. He lat­er be­came a fel­low of the RAM and the Roy­al Col­lege of Or­gan­ists.

He played the or­gan at St. John the Ev­an­gel­ist’s, Browns­wood Park; St. An­drew’s Church, and Pub­lic Hall, Car­diff, Wales; the Par­ish Church, Shef­field (1886); Holy Tri­ni­ty Church, Vent­nor; and St. Mar­gar­et’s Church, West­min­ster.

He made a re­cit­al tour of Ca­na­da and Am­eri­ca in 1900, and al­so toured Eur­ope, Aus­tral­ia, and New Zea­land, where he helped de­sign or­gans for the Auck­land Town Hall.

He played the or­gan at the Car­ne­gie In­sti­tute, Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia (1902–15), and gave re­cit­als at the Pa­na­ma-Pa­ci­fic Ex­po­si­tion in San Fran­cis­co, Ca­li­for­nia, in 1915.

He served as mu­ni­ci­pal or­gan­ist in San Fran­cis­co (1917–21) and Port­land, Maine (1921).

