

Born: Oc­to­ber 6, 1858, Hoy­lake, Che­shire, Eng­land.

Died: Feb­ru­ary 8, 1918, Col­wyn Bay, Wales.

Pseudonym: Ray­mond Ber­en­ger.


Thomas, a pro­mi­nent Free­ma­son in North Wales, was the son of John Li­ne­kar (1830–1878) and Mary Lance­ley (1828–1912), and hus­band of Lucy Ma­ry Jones (1856-1934).

Thomas showed mu­sic­al tal­ent from an ear­ly age. He stud­ied mu­sic un­der Will­iam Jude for three years, but was prin­ci­pal­ly self-taught.

He was ap­point­ed or­gan­ist of Hoy­lake Church in 1878, hold­ing the of­fice for six years. Aft­er­wards, he was or­gan­ist of Lland­vil­lo Church for three years. Then, start­ing in 1887, he was or­gan­ist of St. John’s Eng­lish Wes­ley­an Church, Colwyn Bay, North Wales.

Hymnary web site, cit­ing The Mu­sic of the Church Hym­na­ry.



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