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Ludmilla Elisabeth von Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt


Ludämilie Elisabet



Born: Ap­ril 7, 1640, Hei­decks­burg Cas­tle, Schwarz­burg-Ru­dol­stadt, Thür­ing­en, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: March 12, 1672, Ru­dol­stadt, Thür­ing­en, Ger­ma­ny.

Stadtkirche St. Andreas
Rudolstadt, Germany


Ludämilia was the Count­ess of Schwarz­burg, daugh­ter of Count Lud­wig Gün­ther I, and cous­in of hym­nist Ämi­lie Ju­li­ane, with whom she was edu­cat­ed.

In 1665 she went with her mo­ther to the dow­ag­er cas­tle at Fried­ens­burg, near Leu­ten­burg.

After her mo­ther’s death in 1670, she re­turned to Ru­dol­stadt, where, in 1671, she was for­mal­ly be­trothed to Count Chris­tian Wil­helm of Schwarz­burg-Son­ders­haus­en.

At the time, mea­sles was rag­ing in the dis­trict, and her eld­est sis­ter, So­phie Ju­li­ane, caught the dis­ease. By at­tend­ing her, Lu­dä­mil­ia and her young­est sis­ter, Chris­ti­ane Mag­da­lene, were al­so infect­ed and died.



Help Needed

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