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Daniel T. MacFarlan



Born: No­vem­ber 30, 1828, Yon­kers, New York.

Died: June 3, 1897, at his home in Yonkers, New York.

Buried: Ce­dar Hill Ce­me­te­ry and Mau­so­le­um, New­burgh, New York.



Daniel was the son of Tho­mas Mac­Farl­an, a fi­nan­cial agent for Pe­ter Ger­ard Stuy­ve­sant and Ham­il­ton Fish, and hus­band of Ma­ry Jane Mer­ritt of Mid­dle Hope, New York (mar­ried at the home of her parents in New­burgh, New York, No­vem­ber 20, 1850).

He worked as a clerk for his fa­ther, but left his fa­ther’s em­ploy in 1853 to pur­sue ven­tures such as ma­ple syr­up re­fin­ing and run­ning a coal bu­si­ness.

He lived in New York Ci­ty un­til 1860 when he moved with his wife and daugh­ter, Hel­en Ru­ther­furd Stuy­ve­sant Mac­Far­lan, to Yon­kers.

Later in life, he was a real es­tate brok­er (1884) and a tra­vel­ing in­spect­or for the Mu­tu­al Fire In­sur­ance of Yon­kers (1887).

McFarlan was al­so Sec­re­ta­ry of the New York Con­fer­ence of the Me­tho­dist Epis­co­pal Church as of 1862, ac­cord­ing to re­cords of the Con­fer­ence’s 73rd Ses­sion.

He was still in the Con­fer­ence as of 1881. The 1891 Me­tho­dist Year Book stat­ed he was in Yon­kers, New York.





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