

Born: Sep­tem­ber 18, 1854, Fort Au­gus­tus, Scot­land.

Died: Oc­to­ber 8, 1923.


MacGregor at­tend­ed the par­ish school in Dun­nich­en, An­gus, and Ab­er­deen Uni­ver­si­ty.

He was li­censed by the Pres­by­te­ry of Ab­er­deen in 1877 and worked as a mis­sion­ary in Drum­oak, Kin­car­dine O’Neil, the North Isles, Ork­ney, and Gar­dens­town. In 1881, he was or­dained and be­came a min­is­ter in In­ver­al­lochy.

He is re­mem­bered as a Gael­ic schol­ar, li­tur­gi­olo­gist, and po­et.


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