

Born: June 30, 1767, Dub­lin, Ire­land.

Died: Feb­ru­ary 10, 1831, New York Ci­ty.


Moran and his wife (a sing­er) emi­grat­ed from Dub­lin to Am­eri­ca in 1817.

Evidently, he didn’t take long to es­tab­lish him­self in his new home, be­cause that same year, he wrote the mu­sic for Am­eri­can pre­si­dent James Mon­roe’s inau­gu­ral march.

From at least 1818–1830, Mo­ran lived in New York Ci­ty, where he taught pi­ano and had a mu­sic store and pi­ano sales­room.

In 1825, he was play­ing the cel­lo for the Gar­cia Ope­ra Com­pa­ny. He al­so served as or­gan­ist at Grace Church and at St. John’s Cha­pel.



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