Mrs. Libbie S. Morgan


Born: Ju­ly 19, 1840, in the fa­mi­ly home near Bloom­field, Ohio.

Died: De­cem­ber 19, 1886, Corn­ing, Io­wa.

Buried: Wal­nut Grove Ce­me­te­ry, Corn­ing, Io­wa.


Libbie was the daugh­ter of Hen­ry Crow­ell and Al­me­na Saun­ders Crowell, and wife of Emo­ry Bi­shop Mor­gan.

After she and Mor­gan mar­ried in 1860, they moved to Cleve­land, Ohio. In 1870, they moved to LaCrosse, Wis­con­sin, near the home of Em­ory’s bro­ther Charles. In 1871, the fa­mi­ly moved to a farm in Tay­lor Coun­ty, Io­wa, ad­join­ing the farm where Lib­bie’s bro­ther, Tho­mas Crow­ell, lived.

Around 1874, Lib­bie’s bro­ther, George Crow­ell, per­suad­ed them to join him in Ma­ple Ci­ty, Mi­chi­gan for the pur­pose of get­ting rich ma­nu­fac­tur­ing wood­en bowls, roll­ing pins, etc.

That ven­ture was short-lived, and the fa­mi­ly soon found it­self back in Corn­ing.




Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mor­gan (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),