Born: Circa 1859, Newark, New Jersey.
Died: After 1929 (he was living in Essex, New Jersey, in 1930).
Mr. Morse was born in Newark, and is a grand nephew of Professor Morse, of telegraph fame. He has undoubtedly inherited many of the valuable traits which have characterized the earlier generations of his family, and has known how to utilize them to the best advantage.
He acquired his early education in the public schools of his native city, but was obliged to enter practical business life when he was still a young lad. His first business position was as a clerk in the employ of William H. Lorton, of Orange, New Jersey, with whom he remained two years.
At this time he secured a scholarship at the Bryant & Stratton Business College of Newark, at that time the only business college in the city, and entered upon his studies there, making a specialty of penmanship, arithmetic and commercial law. The last mentioned study possessed a peculiar fascination for him, and his complete mastery of it has been of inestimable benefit to him throughout his business career.
He was seventeen years of age at the time of his graduation from the business college, and had no difficulty in finding a suitable position.
He entered the employ of William Turner & Company, stamped tin ware manufacturers, as bookkeeper, but at the expiration of one year he had a favorable offer from Charles M. Decker, wholesale and retail grocer, at Brick Church, New Jersey, and remained there several years.
His next position was with Carter, Sloan & Company, at that time the largest jewelry manufacturers in the entire United States, and after five years spent with this firm, Mr. Morse, in 1888, started in business independently.
He had given the subject due consideration for a long period of time, and concluded that the best field for his operations was in the outskirts of the city. He accordingly opened a real estate office in the North End, known as the Eighth Ward, and the wisdom of his choice of a location has been amply demonstrated.
At the present time (1913) it takes but ten minutes to get from this locality to the business center of the city, at Broad and Market streets. Mr. Morse succeeded in convincing many prominent residents of the city of the desirability of this section as a residential quarter, and the development of the city in that direction is largely owing to his personal efforts.
He showed his originality by the adoption of a trade mark, which is to be found on his cards and stationery, consisting of an oblong field with oblique bars of red, white and blue. This was a novel device for this line of business and naturally attracted considerable attention.
He has identified himself closely with the interests of his clients and customers, and conducts all operations with as much care as if they were for his individual benefit. This is fully recognized by those who have had dealings with him, and his reputation as an honest and honorable business man has spread far and wide.
He has recently opened a second office on the second floor at No. 740 Broad Street, which location is opposite the Post Office, and in the center of the banking interests. In addition to his real estate operations Mr. Morse is a notary public and a commissioner of deeds, and the various branches are mutually helpful to each other.
As an active member of the Newark Board of Trade, Mr. Morse has great influence, and is at present a member of the membership committee of that body. He is also an active factor as a member of several building and loan associations, and in charitable and religious work his is a well-known name and figure.
For many years he has been a member of the Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church, having served as secretary of the Sunday School for nine and one-half years, also as president of the Epworth League. Mr. Morse has earned the esteem and confidence of the business world as a man whose word is as good as his bond, and in social life his many sterling qualities have gained for him at least an equal number of sincere friends.
Urquhart, pp. 277–78
Morse was well known at the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, and sometimes helped lead services there. The 36th Annual Report of the association (1905) states Morse sang in the Bible Class Quartette there, and contributed to the Ocean Grove Rescue Mission. In addition, Morse was at one time the Flag Custodian
of Newark, and gave radio addresses about the American flag in the 1920’s.
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