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Edward Henry Nevin



Born: May 9, 1814, Ship­pens­burg, Penn­syl­van­ia.

Died: June 2, 1889.

Buried: Spring Hill Ce­me­te­ry, Ship­pens­burg, Penn­syl­vania.


Edward was the son of Ma­jor Da­vid Ne­vin and Ma­ry Pierce, and hus­band of Ruth Chan­ning Lit­tle.

He was edu­cat­ed in Arts at Jef­ferson Col­lege, Can­ons­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia (1833) and in Theo­lo­gy at Prince­ton Se­mi­na­ry (1836).

He held sev­er­al pas­tor­ates as a Pres­by­ter­ian min­is­ter, 1836–57; then as a Con­gre­ga­tion­al min­is­ter (1857–68); then, af­ter a rest of six years through ill health, as a min­is­ter of the Re­formed Church, first at Lan­cas­ter, Penn­syl­van­ia, then in Phi­la­del­phia.

He al­so served as pre­si­dent of Frank­lin Col­lege, New Ath­ens, Ohio (1840–45).




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