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Eric Lincoln Pearson



Born: Jan­ua­ry 17, 1917, Ash­ta­bu­la, Ohio.


Pearson was edu­cat­ed at North Park Col­lege and Se­mi­na­ry, Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois; Tar­kio Col­lege, Mis­sou­ri; St. An­selm Col­lege, Man­ches­ter, New Hamp­shire (BA 1945); and North­ern Il­li­nois Uni­ver­si­ty, De­Kalb, Il­li­nois (MS 1967).

He was or­dained in 1945, and served at Co­ve­nant church­es in Carls­hend, Mi­chi­gan; Port Al­le­ga­ny, Penn­syl­van­ia; Wor­ces­ter, Mas­sa­chu­setts; Man­ches­ter, New Hamp­shire; Har­ris and Rush Ci­ty, Min­ne­so­ta; She­nan­do­ah, Io­wa; and Boul­der Junc­tion, Wis­con­sin.

I959, he re­ceived a teach­ing post in Rock­ford, Il­li­nois, and al­so be­came as­sist­ant pas­tor at the North Park Ev­an­gel­ic­al Co­ve­nant Church in Rock­ford.

He re­tired in 1982, and be­came vi­si­ta­tion pas­tor at Broad­way Co­ve­nant Church in Rock­ford.



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