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Frances Annette Coan Percy



Born: 1843, Guil­ford, Con­nec­ti­cut.


Frances was the daugh­ter of Ri­chard D. Coan, and wife of Hen­ry C. Per­cy (mar­ried 1866).

She be­longed to the Pro­test­ant Epis­co­pal de­no­mi­na­tion. In 1864, she was ap­point­ed by the Am­eri­can Mis­sion­ary As­so­ci­ation to teach freed slaves in Norfolk, Vir­gin­ia. The As­so­cia­tion’s schools were di­rect­ed by her fu­ture hus­band, Hen­ry Per­cy.

After leav­ing Nor­folk, Per­cy lived in New Ha­ven, Con­nec­ti­cut for some years.

When her hus­band died in 1898, she moved to New York Ci­ty to live with her son and on­ly child, Ri­chard T. Per­cy, or­gan­ist at the Mar­ble Col­le­gi­ate Church.




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