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Arthur Stevens Phelps



Born: Jan­ua­ry 23, 1863, New Ha­ven, Con­nec­ti­cut.

Died: Oc­to­ber 19, 1948, Ber­ke­ley, Ca­li­for­nia.

Buried: Grove Street Ce­me­te­ry, New Ha­ven, Con­nec­ti­cut.


Arthur was the son of Syl­va­nus Phelps and So­phia Em­el­ia Lins­ley, grand­son of James H. Lins­ley (com­pil­er of Se­lect Hymns, 1863), and hus­band of Blanch Stroud.

Baptized at age 13, Ar­thur be­gan to preach at age 19.

He stu­died for a year at Brown Uni­ver­si­ty, Pro­vi­dence, Rhode Is­land, gra­du­at­ed from Yale Uni­ver­si­ty (BA), then en­tered Yale Di­vi­ni­ty School.



Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Phelps (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?