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Andrew J. Post



Born: Sep­tem­ber 1843, Bald­wins­ville, New York.

Died: May 6, 1905, Sy­ra­cuse, New York.

Buried: Oak­wood Ce­me­te­ry, Sy­ra­cuse, New York.

Andrew was son of John Post and Eli­za­beth (Bet­sey) Whit­man Coats; hus­band of Sar­ah Jane (Jen­nie) De Land (mar­ried Au­gust 23, 1866, Sy­ra­cuse); and fa­ther of Will­iam Post.

During the Am­eri­can ci­vil war, where he lost an arm, An­drew served in Com­pa­ny B, Eighth Mi­chi­gan Vol­un­teers.

After the war, he worked for the Alex­and­er Ir­on Works for 38 years.

He was a mem­ber of the Wes­ley­an Me­tho­dist Church.



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