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Robert Newton Quaile



Born: March 22, 1867, Rath­keale, Li­mer­ick, Ire­land.

Died: Ju­ly 26, 1927, Mal­low, Cork, Ire­land.


Son of a Me­tho­dist pas­tor, Quaile was edu­cat­ed at Wes­ley Col­lege in Dub­lin.

He went in­to bu­si­ness in Mal­low and pur­sued mu­sic as a hob­by. Three of his tunes ap­peared in the 1910 Eng­lish Me­tho­dist Sun­day School Hym­nal.

Ten years lat­er, he lost all his pos­sess­ions in the 1920 Ir­ish up­ris­ing.


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