

Born: Au­gust 15, 1874, Llain, Llan­non, Car­mar­then, Wales.

Died: Ap­ril 29, 1939, Lllan­daff, Wales.

Buried: Lllan­daff, Wales.


Rees at­tend­ed St. Da­vid’s Col­lege School and St. David’s Col­lege, Lam­pe­ter (BA 1869), and St. Mi­chael’s Col­lege, Ab­er­dare (1897).

He be­came a dea­con in 1897, and priest the next year. He served as cur­ate of Mount­ain Ash (1897–1901); chap­lain of St. Mi­chael’s Col­lege, Ab­er­dare (1901–06); mem­ber of the Com­mu­ni­ty of the Re­sur­rect­ion, Mir­field (1907); Chap­lain to the Forc­es (1915–19); and war­den of the Col­lege of the Re­sur­rect­ion (1922).

He al­so served in mis­sions to New Zea­land (1910 & 1913), Ca­na­da (1914), and Sri Lan­ka (1929).

He be­came Bi­shop of Llan­daff in 1931.



Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Rees (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),