

Born: 1779, Ka­po­sia (just be­low Mount Trempe­a­leau, south of St. Paul), Min­ne­so­ta.

Died: March 3, 1846, at home in Lac qui Parle, Min­ne­so­ta.

Buried: On the bluff ov­er­look­ing Fort Ren­ville in Lac qui Parle, Min­ne­so­ta.


Renville was the son of a French-Ca­na­di­an trad­er and a Da­ko­ta Na­tive Am­eri­can mo­ther.

Educated by a Ro­man Ca­tho­lic priest, he worked as a guide and fur trad­er. He found­ed the Fort Ren­ville fur trad­ing post at Lac qui Parle in 1826.

He in­vit­ed mis­sion­ari­es to the area around 1835, and helped them trans­late the Bi­ble in­to the Da­ko­ta lang­uage.



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