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Lucie S. Ridgeway

Late 19th Century


Ridgeway’s What Have I Done To­day? was pub­lished in Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio, in 1906.

We be­lieve she is prob­ab­ly Lu­cie Sal­lee Ridge­way (1860–1923), who is bur­ied in La­fa­yette Ce­me­te­ry Num­ber 1, New Or­leans, Lou­isi­ana.

Lucie Sal­lee Ridge­way was born in Bel­mont, Ken­tuc­ky, about 50 miles from Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio, where What Have I Done To­day? was lat­er pub­lished.

Additionally, The Wa­co Times Her­ald for Ap­ril 1898 re­ports one Lu­cie S. Ridge­way gave a re­cit­al in Wa­co, Texas, es­tab­lish­ing a mu­sical con­nect­ion.

Waco is about 50 miles from La Gran­ge, Tex­as, where Lu­cie Sal­lee Ridge­way’s hus­band Lor­en­zo Dow Ridge­way is bur­ied.


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