

Born: Ju­ly 11, 1635, Naum­burg, Sax­ony.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 8, 1699, Wol­fen­büt­tel, Ger­ma­ny.


Gottfried was the son of An­dre­as Sa­cer, sen­ior Bur­ger­meis­ter of Naum­burg.

He en­tered the Uni­ver­si­ty of Je­na in 1653, stu­dy­ing law there four years.

He then worked two years as sec­re­ta­ry to Ge­heim­rath von Pla­ten in Ber­lin, then as a tu­tor: First to a son of Swed­ish Re­gier­uns­rath von Poh­len, then to the sons of Sax­on Land­haupt­mann von Bü­nau.

In 1665, he en­tered mi­li­ta­ry ser­vice un­der Herr von Mol­lis­on, com­man­dant at Lü­ne­berg, at first as re­gi­ment­al sec­re­ta­ry, and af­ter­wards as an en­sign.

Tiring of the mi­li­ta­ry, he went to Kiel in 1667 get his LLD de­gree, but be­fore do­ing so toured Hol­land and Den­mark with some young no­ble­men from Hol­stein.

In 1670, he set­tled down as ad­vo­cate at the ap­peal and chan­ce­ry courts in Braun­schweig (gra­du­at­ing LLD at Kiel in 1671).

In 1683, he moved to Wolf­en­büt­tel as Kam­mer-und-Amts-Ad­vo­cat, re­ceiv­ing the ti­tle of Kam­mer-Con­su­lent in 1690.



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