


Born: Ap­ril 26, 1916, West Vir­gin­ia.

Died: Ja­nu­ary 11, 2015, Val­ley Health Ser­vic­es, Her­ki­mer, New York.

Buried: Oak Hill Ce­me­te­ry, Her­ki­mer, New York.


Guido was the son of An­to­nio and Ma­ria Scal­zi, and hus­band of Fran­ca Go­ri­et­ti (mar­ried May 3, 1948, Rome, It­aly).

His fa­mi­ly moved from Am­eri­ca to It­aly when Gui­do was a young child. He at­tend­ed It­a­li­an pub­lic schools, and se­mi­na­ry in Ca­la­bria Pro­vince.

He and Fran­ca emi­grat­ed to Am­eri­ca in 1951, set­tling in New York’s Mo­hawk Val­ley.

Guido at­tend­ed Mill­bury Col­lege and Sy­ra­cuse Uni­ver­si­ty where he ma­jored in Lang­uage.

He worked as a lang­uage teach­er at Tho­mas R. Proc­tor High School, Uti­ca, New York, from 1964 un­til re­tir­ing in 1981.

Scalzi was de­scribed as a mis­sion­ary preach­er in the Mo­hawk Valley and sur­round­ing areas. He ed­it­ed the Il Fa­ro (The Light­house) ma­ga­zine, and had a week­ly Ita­li­an ra­dio pro­gram, La Vo­ce Del­la Spe­ran­za (The Voice of Hope).

He be­longed to the Em­ma­nu­el House of Pray­er, the Re­tired Teach­ers As­so­cia­tion and the Chris­tian Church of North Am­eri­ca.




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