Late 19th Century


Born: Dove­cot Land, Perth­shire, Scot­land.


Scotland re­ceived the ru­di­ments of his edu­ca­tion at the vill­age school, lat­er at the Kin­noul Street Aca­de­my and the Perth Aca­de­my. He then pro­ceed­ed to St. An­drews for a ses­sion.

After a year at home, he re­sumed his stu­dies at Ed­in­burgh, where he con­tin­ued un­til rea­dy for li­cense.

On ac­count of del­i­cate health, he did not for a year there­af­ter be­gin the work of a pro­ba­tion­er, but spent the in­ter­val as re­si­dent tu­tor in Rox­burgh­shire in the fa­mi­ly of G. Dal­rym­ple, bro­ther of the Earl of Stair.

Scotland was called to Keith and Ab­er­deen, but in­stead chose the Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Church in Er­rol, Carse of Gow­rie, where he was or­dained Jan­ua­ry 1871, as col­league and suc­cess­or to John Lamb.

In Sep­tem­ber 1879, Scot­land was in­duct­ed as the first min­is­ter of the re­cent­ly formed charge at Newport-on-Tay.

He had fre­quent ov­er­tures from ci­ty church­es, which he con­sist­ent­ly de­clined.


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