

Born: No­vem­ber 22, 1693, Twy­ford, Lei­ces­ter­shire, Eng­land.

Died: Circa 1759.

Buried: St. Pe­ter and St. Paul’s churc­hyard, Wid­mer­pool, Not­ting­hamshire, Eng­land.


Robert was the son of Ro­bert Sea­grave, vi­car of Twy­ford (1687–1720).

He was edu­cat­ed at Clare Col­lege, Cam­bridge, where he gra­du­at­ed in 1714.

Taking Ho­ly Or­ders, he joined the Wes­leys and White­field, and be­tween 1731 and 1746 wrote nu­mer­ous let­ters and pamph­lets.

In 1739, he was ap­point­ed Sun­day Ev­en­ing Lec­tur­er at Lor­im­ers’ Hall, Lon­don, where he con­tin­ued preach­ing un­til 1750.

He al­so oc­cu­pied White­field’s Ta­ber­na­cle from time to time.



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