Shaw graduated from Winona State University, Minnesota, in 1883.
At one time, she homesteaded alone near Billings, Montana.
A writer, suffragist, and temperance advocate, she edited and frequently contributed to The Farmer’s Wife, a magazine popular in the 1930s.
I saw a Star the other day;
It shone down on me from the sky;
I heard it say:
“This way lies light; come out! come up!
There’s room to spare where planets wheel
And place to sup.
“Stay not below like weighted clod;
Spread the strong wings of lifting thought
And reach for God.
“He’s here! Doubt not, O loitering one!
You’ve only need to hear, to will—
The flight’s begun.
He is the start and He the goal
And He the Path that lies between:
He is he whole!
So said a Star the other day,
Shining upon me from the sky,
Yet—here I stay.
Ada Melville Shaw
The Forum, March 1920
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