

Born: May 17, 1789, Erns­dorf bei Reich­en­bach, Si­le­sia, Prus­sia (now Dzier­żon­iów, Po­land).

Died: Ja­nu­ary 1, 1868, Bres­lau (now Wro­cław, Po­land).


From around 1802–10 Sie­gert was dis­cant­ist at St. Bern­hard­in Church in Wro­cław, and a short time lat­er al­to­ist at the lo­cal the­ater. He be­came can­tor at St. Bern­hard­in in 1812, and was ap­point­ed Roy­al Prus­sian Mu­sic Di­rect­or in 1847.

In ad­di­tion to com­pos­ing, Sie­gert was evi­dent­ly an ama­teur bo­tan­ist.


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