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Margarette W. Snodgrass


Margarette Snodgrass Frazier, Mar­ga­ret W. Snod­grass Fras­er


Died: March 21, 1894.

Buried: Lake For­est Ce­me­te­ry, Lake For­est, Il­li­nois.


Margarette was the daugh­ter of John M. and Eli­za­beth W. Snod­grass, and wife of Mel­vin Fras­er (1858–1936).

She was writ­ing hymns by 1878. By No­vem­ber 1884, she was liv­ing in Lake For­est, Il­li­nois (Smith), and had re­cent­ly mar­ried a Pres­by­ter­ian min­is­ter named Fra­zier (Mel­vin Fras­er, per Find­agrave).

The tomb­stone she shares with her hus­band says Mel­vin was a Mis­sion­ary to Af­ri­ca for 15 years. His Find­agrave re­cord has a quote stat­ing he worked in Ca­mer­oon.



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