20th Century


Born: Near Beek­man, Lou­isi­ana.


Spillers’ first Go­spel song, writ­ten with Cur­tis Doss, was pub­lished by the Stamps Mu­sic Com­pa­ny when she was ten years old.

She be­gan sing­ing with the Ro­bin­ettes trio around the same time, and was part of a live tel­e­vi­sion show on KNOE for two years.

The group lat­er sang dur­ing the op­en­ing of the new Lou­isi­ana gov­er­nor’s man­sion in the mid 1960s (John Mc­Keith­en was gov­er­nor at the time).

Rita was deep­ly in­volved in the Gos­pel mu­sic scene, per­form­ing at the Grand Ole Op­ry, and rub­bing el­bows with the likes of the Oak Ridge Quar­tet, Hank Snow, and El­vis Pres­ley.


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