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Jean I. Staneschi



Born: Sep­tem­ber 18, 1900, Bu­cha­rest, Ro­man­ia.

Died: De­cem­ber 9, 1980, Bu­cha­rest, Ro­man­ia.



Jean was the son of Ioan and Eca­te­ri­na Sta­nes­chi.

He was Sec­re­ta­ry Ge­ne­ral of the Un­ion of Chris­tian Bap­tist Com­mu­ni­ties in Ro­man­ia (1934–37).

In 1947, he was re­port­ed­ly or­dained as pas­tor of the Bap­tist church in Bu­cha­rest-Ba­sa­rab. In 1949, he be­came pastor of the Chris­tian Bap­tist Church of Gol­go­tha ​​in Bu­cha­rest.

In June 1955, he was elect­ed vice-pre­si­dent of the Chris­tian Com­mu­ni­ty of Bap­tist Church of Bu­char­est.

In De­cem­ber 1955 he was elect­ed by the Con­gres­ul Cul­tu­lui Creș­tin Bap­tist. He al­so served as di­rect­or of the Bu­cha­rest Bap­tist Se­mi­na­ry.



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