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Alexander Stewart




Born: Jan­ua­ry 1, 1843, Glas­gow, Scot­land.

Died: Ap­ril 27, 1923.


Stewart was con­vict­ed of sin at age 19, but did not ac­cept Christ for a few years. He des­cribes his con­ver­sion ex­pe­ri­ence:

I was ly­ing on my bed one day in sore an­xi­ety of soul when that Scrip­ture came to me, It is fin­ished, and im­me­di­at­ely I en­tered in­to peace.

I saw for the first time I was 1800 years on the oth­er side of a fin­ished work. I had been look­ing for­ward to some­thing to be done by me, where­as I now saw that the work had been fin­ished by an­oth­er, the Lord Je­sus Christ, on the Cross of Cal­va­ry.

After con­ver­sion, he be­gan at­tend­ing church, and lat­er joined As­sem­bly of Ex­clu­sive Breth­ren in Sau­chie­hall Street, Glas­gow. Short­ly there­af­ter, he be­gan op­en air preach­ing at Phoe­nix Cor­ner, Cow­cad­dens, Glas­gow, lat­er in Clar­en­don Hall and Un­ion Hall.

He was fre­quent­ly in poor health, though, and spent eight months in Aus­tral­ia around 1870, hop­ing to re­co­ver his strength, then re­turned to Scot­land. Lat­er in life, he moved to Prest­wick, Ayr­shire.


Stewart was a well known preach­er and writ­er, con­trib­ut­ing to The Wit­ness and The Be­liev­ers Hymn Book.

His oth­er works in­clude:



Help Needed

If you know Stew­art’s place of death or bu­ri­al, would you send us an e-mail?