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Elliot Stock



Stock was the son of a weal­thy fa­ther from an East Ang­li­can fa­mi­ly that set­tled in Es­sex, and a mo­ther from a Hu­gue­not fa­mi­ly named Col­lard. He was the hus­band of Fan­ny Bell­in (mar­ried 1866), the daugh­ter of Sam­uel Bell­in, an ar­tist and en­grav­er.

Stock was a pub­lish­er and bib­lio­phile who col­lect­ed first ed­it­ions. The pub­lish­ing com­pa­ny that bore his name was in bu­si­ness from 1859–1939.

After at­tend­ing Am­er­sham Gram­mar School, Stock first worked for the firm of Pip­er, Ste­phen­son, and Spence, then in 1857 be­came an ap­pren­tice to Mr. B. L. Green, a book-sell­er at 62 Pa­ter­nos­ter Row.

In 1859 Stock ac­quired the bu­si­ness. B. L. Green was the bro­ther of Dr. Green of the Re­li­gious Tract So­ci­ety. In its ear­ly years, the firm of El­li­ot Stock was pri­mar­ily en­gaged in pub­lish­ing re­li­gious works.

Stock be­came an am­ateur paint­er and po­et and ac­quired ma­ny ar­tis­tic and li­ter­ary friends and ac­quaint­anc­es. He was al­so a bird-watch­er and ath­lete (win­ning a sil­ver cup in row­ing).

In 1877 Stock pub­lished fac­si­mi­le first ed­it­ions of John Bun­yan’s Pil­grim’s Pro­gress, Iz­aak Wal­ton’s Com­pleat Ang­ler and George Her­bert’s Tem­ple.

Stock’s firm is­sued ma­ny oth­er not­able fac­si­mi­le first ed­it­ions, such as those for Ro­bin­son Cru­soe, Ras­se­las and The Vi­car of Wake­field.


Stock pub­lished The An­ti­qu­ary from De­cem­ber 1879–1915. In 1887, he be­gan pub­lish­ing the month­ly Book-Prices Cur­rent, which be­came a stand­ard ref­er­ence for book deal­ers and col­lect­ors.

His oth­er works in­clude:


We All Do Fade as a Leaf

The wind goes by,
The dead leaves fall
Silent beneath
The churchyard wall.
Man, like the leaf, doth quiet lie,
Though deeper, he
Shall rise and fly
By Christ his aid
And shall not stay
Where men and leaves
Do aye decay.

Elliot Stock
A Pub­lish­er’s Play­ground, 1888



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