

Born: March 27, 1876, Nor­ris­town, Penn­syl­van­ia.

Died: May 30, 1947, East­on, Penn­syl­van­ia.

Buried: Green­wood Ce­me­te­ry, All­en­town, Penn­syl­van­ia.


Strodach was the son of Hen­ry Bap­tiste Stro­dach and Ma­ry L. Zell­er, and hus­band of Ber­tha L. Klep­ping­er.

He was edu­cat­ed at Muhl­en­burg Col­lege, Al­len­town, Penn­syl­van­ia (BA 1896, MA 1899), and the Lu­ther­an Theo­lo­gic­al Se­mi­na­ry, Mt. Airy, Phi­la­del­phia (1899).

He served se­ver­al pas­tor­ates:

He then worked as li­ter­ary ed­it­or for the Unit­ed Lu­ther­an Church Pub­li­ca­tion House, Phi­la­del­phia, for two de­cades.

He trans­lat­ed the 1523 Lu­ther­an Or­der of Bap­tism from Ger­man to Eng­lish, and wrote A Ma­nu­al on the Li­tur­gy, which be­came the stand­ard li­tur­gi­cal ref­er­ence in his tra­di­tion.

He al­so served on the com­mis­sion for the 1958 Lu­ther­an Ser­vice Book and Hym­nal.





Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Stro­dach (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),