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Geoffrey Anketell Studdert-Kennedy




Born: June 27, 1883, Leeds, Eng­land.

Died: March 8, 1929, Liv­er­pool, Eng­land.

Buried: Wor­ces­ter.


Studdert-Ken­ne­dy was edu­cat­ed at Leeds Gram­mar School; Tri­ni­ty Col­lege, Dub­lin; and Rip­on Cler­gy Col­lege.

He ini­tial­ly served as cur­ate at Rug­by, then in 1914 be­came vic­ar of St. Paul’s, Wor­ces­ter.

When World War I began, he vol­un­teered as a mi­li­ta­ry chap­lain. Given the nick­name Wood­bine Wil­lie for his hab­it of dis­trib­ut­ing ci­ga­rettes to sol­diers, he was noted for his brav­ery un­der fire. In 1917, he re­ceived the Mi­li­ta­ry Cross af­ter run­ning in­to no man’s land at Mes­sines Ridge to com­fort the in­jured.

In 1922, Stud­dert-Ken­ne­dy was put in charge of St. Ed­mund King and Mar­tyr in Lom­bard Street, Lon­don.

