


Born: Ju­ly 28, 1827, Mc­Minn Coun­ty, Ten­nes­see.

Died: Feb­ru­ary 19, 1918, at the home of his daugh­ter, Zoll­ie Sull­ins Stu­art, in Birm­ing­ham, Ala­ba­ma.

Buried: Fort Hill Ce­me­te­ry, Cleve­land, Ten­nes­see.


David was the son of Na­than Sull­ins and Re­bec­ca Mitch­ell, and hus­band of Ann Re­bec­ca Blair.

He was edu­cat­ed at Em­o­ry and Hen­ry Col­lege, Em­o­ry, Vir­gin­ia (AB, AM & DD).

In 1850, he joined the Me­tho­dist Epis­co­pal Hol­ston Con­fer­ence, and in 1853 be­came pre­si­dent of the Odd Fel­lows Fe­male Col­lege, Jones­bo­ro, Ten­nes­see, where he served five years.

He went on to serve two years as a pas­tor, then as a chap­lain in the Am­er­ican ci­vil war.

After the war he was pre­si­dent of the Fe­male Col­lege in Vir­gin­ia for three years, then moved to Bri­stol, Ten­nes­see, and found­ed Sull­ins Col­lege.

In 1880, he was elect­ed pre­si­dent of his al­ma ma­ter.

