

Born: February 1, 1854, Bally­na­ry, Coun­ty Sli­go, Ire­land.

Died: Circa Feb­ru­ary 19, 1909, on board the Al­lan Lin­er Car­tha­ge­ni­an.

Buried: At sea, between Ire­land and Am­eri­ca.


Teggart was the son of a post­man. His fa­ther al­so served as par­ish clerk in Tar­ta­ra­ghan Par­ish Church.

Moses was edu­cat­ed at the Clon­core Low­er Pri­ma­ry School, and lat­er in Bel­fast.

He taught in Mill­town, Coun­ty Ker­ry, and Cork, then to Scot­land, where he took a gov­ern­ment po­si­tion. In the 1880s, he emi­grat­ed to Am­eri­ca, set­tling in Spring­field, Mas­sa­chu­setts.

He wrote a num­ber of po­ems pub­lished in lo­cal papers, many re­flect­ing his child­hood in the Irish bog lands. Oth­ers were re­li­gious or class­ic­al in na­ture (for ex­am­ple, pa­ra­phras­es of works such as He­ro and Le­an­der and Ho­mer’s Vi­sion of Pe­ne­lo­pe).

His When Child­ren Lift Their Voic­es was pub­lished in Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts, in 1906.

In 1908, he re­turned to Ire­land to vi­sit his ag­ed fa­ther. He died dur­ing the re­turn voy­age to Am­eri­ca.


Farewell, Ye Cold Black Bogs and Moors!

Farewell, ye cold black bogs and moors!
Good-bye, ye gold-bloomed whins!
Ye teach me how the love endures
That in friendship fond begins,
Good-bye ye little red-breasts all,
That sing so sweet at dawn!
At dusk I hear your pensive call,
And shall when I am gone.

Ye joyous lark that in the blue
Already carols loud,
I know your song is sweet and true
Though I’m with sorrow bowed.
A home across the western wave
Once more I go to seek;
Beside your song so loud and brave
This dirge sounds worn and weak.

Farewell, ye kindly people all,
In bogland and in town!
Your friendship I esteem, and shall
Till I this head lay down
In that last sleep o’er which the dawn
Of heaven some morn shall rise.
When I, fond hope! though some time gone,
Shall join you in the skies.

Moses Teggart, written at The Birches
eight days before his death in 1909



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