

Born: Feb­ru­ary 1, 1813, near Ten­by, Pem­broke­shire, Wales.

Died: De­cem­ber 30, 1894, at his daugh­ter’s home in Rams­gate, Kent.


David was the son of preach­er Will­iam Thomas.

After a short bu­si­ness ca­reer, he at­tend­ed New­port Pag­nell Col­lege to pre­pare for the min­is­try, and af­ter­wards be­came pas­tor at Chesh­am.

In 1844, he moved to Lon­don, to be­come pas­tor of the Stock­well Green Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church.

The church grew to 900 peo­ple dur­ing his tenure, and in­clud­ed con­gre­gants such as Ca­the­rine Mum­ford (of­fi­ci­at­ing at her 1855 wed­ding to Sal­va­tion Ar­my found­er Will­iam Booth) and ev­an­gel­ist Wil­son Car­lile.

Thomas found­ed the Work­ing Men’s Club and In­sti­tute, of which Lord Brough­am was first pre­si­dent, and an in­sur­ance plan for the be­ne­fit of min­is­ters’ wi­dows.

He ed­ited the Ho­mi­list, and in 1874, pre­pared for his church The Bib­li­cal Li­tur­gy, con­trib­ut­ing 26 orig­in­al hymns, two or thee or which passed in­to oth­er Col­lect­ions.

Thomas retired in 1877.




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