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John Rogers Thomas




Born: March 26, 1830, New­port (Cas­newydd), Wales.

Died: Ap­ril 5, 1896, New York Ci­ty.



A ba­ri­tone and com­pos­er, Tho­mas first came to Am­eri­ca with the Se­quin Eng­lish Ope­ra Com­pa­ny and be­came in­ter­est­ed in the mu­sic of Am­eri­ca that was de­vel­op­ing. He sang and toured with Bry­ant’s Mins­trels and set­tled in New York.

He wrote more than one hun­dred po­pu­lar Am­eri­can songs, and com­posed three larg­er works: The Pic­nic (1869), a child­ren’s op­er­et­ta with li­bret­to by George Coop­er; The La­dy in the Mask (1870), an op­er­et­ta with li­bret­to by George Coop­er; and Dia­mond Cut Dia­mond (1876), a par­lor op­era in one act.

In ad­di­tion to his po­pu­lar songs, Tho­mas com­posed sac­red mu­sic, and was known as a teach­er in Brook­lyn and in New York Ci­ty.


Thomas’ po­pu­lar songs in­clude:


Help Needed

If you know Thomas’ bu­ri­al place, would you send us an e-mail?