Born: 1855, Lynn, Massachusetts.
Died: August 5, 1921, Boston, Massachusetts.
Buried: Location unknown, though his wife, who died a year earlier, was interred in the family plot in East Poland, Maine.
Tracy made his first public appearance at age 10, when he conducted the orchestra for a performance of Oliver Twist, put on by the company headed by Fannie Davenport and her husband.
His subsequent career, he said in an interview, had four major accomplishments:
First was my work for the First Corps Cadets and the Bank Officers Association of Boston. I directed all their performances, and they gained an enviable reputation in their day.
The second big event of my life came when I was summoned to England by Sir Arthur Sullivan to assist him in the Gilbert and Sullivan operas. We sailed, Mrs. Tracy and myself, just after we were married, and we remained in Europe two years.
When we returned to America we toured the country from coast to coast with the then famous Hanlon Brothers, pantomimists. I composed, arranged, and directed all the music for their shows, and my wife sang in the company.
The fourth and crowning achievement of my life has been my work for the past seven years in the employ of the State of Massachusetts, doing special work among the feeble minded.
We have been trying out a great experiment—the application of musical vibrations to the cure of mental defectives—and I am glad to say that the results have been wonderful.
Tracy lived near Lewiston, Maine, for about two years around 1890, during which time he founded the Rubenstein Club of Lewiston and Auburn, and the Maine Conservatory of Music. He became a professor of music at a Boston college about a year before his death.
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