

Born: Cir­ca 1829, Ker­ry, Mont­go­me­ry­shire, Wales.

Died: Jan­ua­ry 26, 1905, Looe, Corn­wall.


A writ­er and po­et, Tre­vald­wyn changed his name from Benn Wilkes Jones to Benn Wilkes Jones Tre­vald­wyn while rec­tor of Ne­ther Whit­acre, War­wick­shire, in 1872, for rea­sons un­known.

He and his fa­mi­ly were still in Ne­ther Whit­acre in 1881. By 1901 (pos­si­bly by 1891) they had moved to St. Mar­tins, Corn­wall.



In Memoriam

William Stratford Dugdale*, and Thirty Others

Nobly falls the soldier
Who on the bloody field,
For love of fame and country,
Dear life itself doth yield.

Bravely dies the sailor
Who battles with the waves,
While roar the angry billows
And loud the wild wind raves.

Grandly dies the martyr
Who with his latest breath,
In spite of cruel tortures,
Declares his constant faith.

Nobler still and braver—
Yea, bravest of the brave—
Is he who through the blinding flame
Tries other lives to save.

Honor, then, these brave ones,
Who, leaving all beside,
Our Master’s footsteps following,
Have for their brothers died.

Father, Heavenly Father,
To Thee let all hearts turn;
Help all the weary hearted,
And comfort those who mourn.

Benn Wilkes Jones Trevaldwyn
May 1882

* Mr. Dugdale and oth­er vol­un­teers sac­ri­ficed their own lives in a brave at­tempt to save
the min­ers e­ntombed in a burn­ing coal-mine at Bad­des­ley En­sor, War­wick­shire, in May, 1882.


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