Arthur Dyke Acland



Born: May 3, 1811, Kil­ler­ton (near Exe­ter), Eng­land.

Died: June 19, 1857, Bride­head, Eng­land.

Buried: All Saints church­yard, Hunt­sham, De­von, Eng­land.


Arthur was the son of Sir Tho­mas Dyke Ac­land and Ly­dia Eli­za­beth Hoare, and hus­band of Fran­ces Will­iams.

He was edu­cat­ed at Har­row and Christ Church, Ox­ford (BA 1832).

He changed his sur­name from Ac­land to Troyte in 1852, as part of the le­gal con­di­tions when he in­her­it­ed the es­tate of a re­la­tive, Rev. Ed­ward Ber­ke­ley Troyte.

He stu­died law, and had an in­ter­est in sci­ence.

He wrote chants and tunes for the 1857 Sal­is­bu­ry Hymn Book. In Britain, Troyte is per­haps best re­mem­bered as the com­pos­er of the chant used as a set­ting of the Sun­set Poem or Rev. Eli Jen­kins’ Pray­er, from Dyl­an Tho­mas’ ra­dio dra­ma and stage play Un­der Milk Wood.

