

Born: Oc­to­ber 20, 1842, Ken­ning­ton, Sur­rey, Eng­land.

Died: 1917, East Pres­ton, Eng­land.


James was the son of John Tal­bot Ty­ler, who was a mem­ber of the pa­ci­fist Peace Con­ven­tion, a hat­ter to Prince Al­bert and a di­rect­or of the Unit­ed King­dom Tem­per­ance and Ge­ne­ral Pro­vi­dent In­sti­tu­tion.

In 1856, The Ty­ler fa­mi­ly’s for­tunes took a turn for the worse, and James sub­se­quent­ly trained as a clerk, as had his bro­ther Sam­uel.

James ne­ver mar­ried, but lived with his mo­ther, bro­ther Sam­uel and sis­ter Ma­ry Ann, first in Lam­beth, then Clap­ham, and fi­nal­ly in Worth­ing, Sus­sex.

An ama­teur mu­si­cian, he was joint su­per­in­ten­dent with his bro­ther of the Child­ren’s Spe­cial Ser­vice Mis­sion, from its start in 1867. He con­duct­ed mis­sions for child­ren, sea­side se­rvic­es, etc., in ma­ny parts of Bri­tain.


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