

Born: 1948, Zee­land, Mi­chi­gan.

Pseudonym: Ano­ny­mous Bosch.


Vanden Bosch was edu­cat­ed at Cal­vin Col­lege, Grand Ra­pids, Mi­chi­gan (BA 1970); Ohio Uni­ver­si­ty, Ath­ens, Ohio (MA 1972); and the Di­vi­ni­ty School of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois (MA 1975).

He taught Eng­lish at Dordt Col­lege, Sioux Cen­ter, Io­wa (chaired the Eng­lish De­part­ment, 1982–83), and at Cal­vin Col­lege, where he al­so rose to chair the Eng­lish De­part­ment.

He al­so taught at the Rus­sian Am­eri­can Chris­tian Uni­ver­si­ty in Mos­cow, Rus­sia, and taught a gram­mar course to Chi­nese teach­ers of English in Lin­tong, Chi­na.

He be­longed to the Cal­vin Chris­tian Re­formed Church in Grand Ra­pids.

